
Domestic Workers are excluded from Human Rights Law

Join us to support the Passage of Intro 339 and expand protections for domestic workers in NYC


It's Time: Black Immigrant Workers in New York on the care they need NOW.


Description of Into 339 & Talking Points


Int. 339-2018 would amend the NYC the human rights law to include individuals who employ domestic workers, providing workers protections against discrimination in the workplace, and coverage under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.

Learn more with this slide show presentation

Primary sponsor: Council Member Debbie Rose (Staten Island). For more information check out NYC Council site.

Talking points:

  • There are over 200,000 domestic workers in NYC, and the number is only expected to increase in years to come. It is unconscionable that our current laws permit employers to discriminate against this growing workforce that plays such a vital role in our economy.

  • By passing Int 339 the City will take a proactive step to prevent discrimination against women and people of color in our city and alleviate the negative consequences of this economic recession that hits black and immigrant women the hardest

  • Domestic workers have been some of the hardest hit workers by COVID-19 and have been hit even harder. The impact has been devastating on their families, as many don’t qualify for unemployment benefits, federal relief, and are the primary breadwinners in their households.

  •  Black immigrant domestic workers have been particularly hit by the pandemic. Around 62% of Black immigrant domestic workers have lost all or part of their income due to the COVID-19 according to a recent report by The Institute for Policy Studies and the National Domestic Workers Alliance’s We Dream in Black program.

Sign the petition now!


We need to show our power and numbers! Add your name as an individual by signing the Int 339 Petition and urge Corey Johnson to pass the human rights bill!

If you wish to sign your organization, please email

Call Speaker Corey Johnson: A script for domestic workers (en español abajo)


District Office: 212-788-7210 

Legislative Office: 212-564-7757

“Hello my name is _____ I am a domestic worker in New York City and I am calling Speaker Corey Johnson to ask him to bring the New York City Human Rights Bill Intro 339 to the floor for a vote! 

As an essential worker working in homes across New York City, ,it is extremely important for domestic workers like myself to be included in the NYC Human Rights Law and we would like Speaker Johnson to sign this Bill by Labor Day so domestic workers can work free of discrimation in the workplace. (Many domestic workers work in the Speakers District and are vulnerable to discrimination because they are not protected) Thank You!”

Guión para llamar al Presidente del Concejo de NYC Corey Johnson

Oficina en el distrito: 212-788-7210 

Oficina legislativa: 212-564-7757

“Buenas tardes, mi nombre es _______ soy una trabajadora del hogar en la Ciudad de Nueva York, y estoy llamando al Presidente del Concejo de la Ciudad de NY Corey Johson para pedirle que ponga una fecha para el voto del Intro 339.

Como trabajadoras esenciales que trabajamos en casas en distintas partes de la ciudad de NY, es sumamente importante que las trabajadoras del hogar, como yo, sean incluidas en la Ley de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de Nueva York, y quisiéramos que el Presidente Johnson firme esta propuesta legislativa antes del Dia del Trabajo para que entonces las trabajadoras del hogar trabajen libres de discriminacion en su sitio de trabajo. (Hay muchas trabajadoras que trabajan en Chelsea que son vulnerables a discriminacion) Gracias! “

Script to call Speaker Corey Johnson if you’re a family caregiver/ally


“Hello my name is ___________ I am a parent/family caregiver/constituent in New York City and I am calling Speaker Corey Johnson to ask him to bring the New York City Human Rights Bill Intro 339 to the floor for a vote! 

During this pandemic we all have realized how essential domestic workers are in our lives. Domestic workers make other work possible across New York City. It is extremely important for domestic workers to be included in the NYC Human Rights Law, in particular now that we all recognize the history of racism in our country. We would like Speaker Johnson to sign this Bill by Labor Day so domestic workers can work free of discrimation in the workplace and be more protected during this pandemic. Thank you!”

Call Speaker Corey Johnson: A script for for domestic employers


District Office: 212-788-7210 

Legislative Office: 212-564-7757

“Hello my name is _____I am a domestic employer and I am calling Speaker Corey Johnson to ask him to bring the New York City Human Rights Bill Intro 339 to the floor for a vote! 

I live in [neighborhood] and employ a [nanny/ house cleaner/home attendant]. Their work is essential in my home and makes my work possible. As a privileged person who is entitled to all protections, I  believe that domestic workers need to be included in the NYC Human Rights Law, in particular that now that we all recognize the history of racism in our country. We would like Speaker Johnson to sign this Bill by Labor Day so domestic workers can work free of discrimination in the workplace during this pandemic. 

When calling to the district office you can add:

As an employer in the Speaker’s district, we recognize that there are many domestic workers working in his district who are still  vulnerable to discrimination because they are not protected under the law. We can stop this injustice by passing Intro 339. Thank You!”

Council Members who have not yet signed on to Intro 339


Check out here if your CM hasn’t signed yet like CMs Constantinides (District 22), Levin (District 33), Koslowitz (District 39), Ulrich (District 32) and others

Hello my name is ___________ I am a domestic employer/constituent in your district and I am calling Council Member __________ to ask him/her to sign onto the New York City Human Rights Bill Intro 339.

As an employer or constituent in CM _____district, we recognize that there are many domestic workers working in homes still vulnerable to discrimination because they are not protected. We can stop this injustice by passing Intro 339. Thank You!


Census 2020